Stir of Echoes
Starring: Kevin Bacon, Kathryn Erbe, Illeana Douglas
Directed By: David Koepp

In this overlooked gem of a movie, the hype was unfortunately more powerful than it's box office. The controversy surrounding this movie was due to another ghost film by the name of The Sixth Sense, maybe you have heard of that one, it's the 12th highest box office grossing film ever. But anyway, not to knock on The Sixth Sense, but it didn't really do it for was good and all but I don't know, I came out expecting more. In Stir of Echoes, I came out fully satisfied. Not only is the film eerily creepy, but it has a quick pace and gets to the point. Where as in Sixth, I thought the pacing was a bit slow. In Stir Bacon plays Tom, a husband and father, his son talks constantly to what they pass off as an imaginary friend. Tom undergoes hypnosis, and expierences something. And now he can't get it out of his head. What's going on? He can't sleep, he can't go to work, he has frightening images flashed in front of him. How to stop it? Or should I say solve it? The film is freaky, without blood and guts (except for two scenes, which I must say are very cringeworthy). The film I also liked because it didn't necessarily focus on the kid, it focused on Bacon's character. Kevin Bacon, although never recognized is an amazing actor, with incredible talent and screen presence. So don't disregard this film just because The Sixth Sense is lingering in your mind, go out and rent this one, you won't regret it. A-