Vanilla Sky
Starring: Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Kurt Russell, and Jason Lee
Directed By: Cameron Crowe

This film is not what it seems. The previews are very misleading, but if you want something different from the previews, this is it. It is a entertaining film with some amazing visuals and a strong plot. Needless to say, it is not a typical Tom Cruise film. This is a remake of the 1994 Spanish film Abre Los Ojos, which also starred Penelope Cruz. Tom Cruise plays David Aames, a man who inherited his father’s business and loves the life he leads. He has no worries and can pretty much can get away with whatever he wants. He has a sexual relationship with no ties, but that is all about to change when he meets Sophia (Cruz) and quickly falls in love with her. His “fuck buddy” (Diaz) as he calls her, does not take to this too well and drives them both off a bridge, killing her and disfiguring him. This is where things start to get hairy, and I’m not about to give anything else away. What Vanilla Sky does so well is lead you on. It’s an incredibly well made and acted film. The opening scene is stupendous and makes you wonder what’s to come. The point that the film is trying to make though is that you never know where it’s going to veer off to, and yes, that’s a good thing. A-